What about jobs directory in concrete5?

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In the directory structure, they don't mention about jobs directory. What work it actually do? for what purpose we can use this directory?

could anyone explain about this...?
Thanks in advance....

A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
All directories at root level can be used for overrides. So you could copy a file from /concrete/jobs to /jobs and start modifying it. This is called an override. Of course you could make your changes directly in the core, but this would upgrading make more difficult.

It is also possible to develop your own job, here you can read how this works:
cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply
What means jobs in concrete5 ???
vlarsson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Automated jobs that run at a specific time. For example, if you wanna generate a new sitemap every night at 00:00.