Can't connect to community

Permalink 2 users found helpful
I'm stuck here.
I'm getting no connect button on the "Extend concrete5" page. Screen attached.
I've already tried:
- Clearing the cache
- Other Browsers (IE, Firefox)
- Checked MYSQL Database for the config table (no item like marketplace or community found)
- checked page source

I really don't know what to do now and I couldn't find any other topci on this on the forums.
I hope you guys can help.

Thank you!

1 Attachment

pjperren replied on at Permalink Reply
Exactly the same issue. New site setup yesterday and tried same as above..

please help
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
There is currently no marketplace integration for 5.7, it is in the works though, and should be appearing soon.
pjperren replied on at Permalink Reply
How come it shows the button to link in one of the videos?
merbrich replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, same here. I've been spending almost two days on this. I've switched to wordpress now :(
NickKN replied on at Permalink Reply
This post is useful in that it tells me I am not alone !

It does mean I can't install the internationalisation plugin though...

@Vidall Any idea when the integration thing will be available ? Having the multilingual function is essential to the site and manual installation of the plugin doesn't work either.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
No add-ons are compatible with 5.7 yet so even if you can connect to the marketplace, you will not be able to install the internationalization add-on until it's updated for 5.7. Please don't shoot the messenger.
tonyclarkson replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same issues though I'm not up to 5.7, is what version I have relevant?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
My comments apply only to 5.7 but I understand that 5.7.1 is due out very soon which does connect to the community. However, there are still only a couple of add-ons that work with 5.7 in the marketplace.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
There will be no Marketplace connectivity untill concrete 5.7.1+ is released.

For now, if there is a compatible addon in the marketplace you want, you can download it from your profile.
