Here's what worked for me when I could not connect to database

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My website is hosted on iPower and its setup was a bit unique but perhaps my answers can help someone else with the install for database novices...

The name of my database and login username both require a prefix with an underscore (determined by the first several letters of the website name. This, unfortunately, was not immediately obvious for me. When I created the database initially, there was nothing in the instructions to indicate this. But since I have another database on my site, I had something to consult.

For most people, "localhost" or "Localhost" will be the server requested in the setup screen. But mine was something else entirely. On my server was a little note below the database information that the database was located on (where "mywebsite" was the abbreviated url of my site - the first several letters).

I had some frustration since concrete5 was unable to connect to the database until I pieced it all together. If you're having trouble connecting, double-check with your host and MySQL database settings. It's worth trying to figure it all out to get it installed.

Thanks for creating this CMS. I'm really looking forward to using it.