[Solved]lots of errors - Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::database

So i've been running a website for over a year and today it came up with heaps and heaps of errors!http://purlinbrackets.com.au/

"Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::database() should not be called statically in /home/purlinbr/public_html/concrete/dispatcher.php on line 23

Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::library() should not be called statically in /home/purlinbr/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 177

Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::library() should not be called statically in /home/purlinbr/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 178

Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::library() should not be called statically in /home/purlinbr/public_html/concrete/libraries/loader.php on line 179

I called the host to see if they changed anything on the server and they said no. They also told me it was a database error.

I don't have access to the php.ini and i tried to change the .htaccess file (which was blank) by adding the lines below, which didn't work.
# error_reporting to E_ALL|E_STRICT
php_value error_reporting "6143"
php_value display_errors "1"

any ideas? Another admin is installing a forum at the moment, but that is running off a seperate database.

tisam2 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I spent hours on hold with the web host and they always told me it was a database connection error. My version was 5.5.0 and it looks like the web host changed the php version.

I was freaking out for a while and tried to upgrade to which didn't work and came up with heaps of errors when i ran the upgrade script. Lucky enough i tried another older version and it worked!

==I fixed the problem by manually upgrading to version

*to do the manual update i copied over the "concrete" folder with the new version, then used the html script to do the update. (make sure you backup)

more info:
siteadvice replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just had to move a couple of Concrete5 sites running v5.4.X and I had a lot of trouble with this.

The supposed fix reported by several people on the forums (adding the error_reporting setting to a php.ini file in the site root) does not solve the problem because error_reporting is reset numerous times in the core Concrete5 code itself.

The solution for me was to search through the \concrete\ folder and find instances of

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED)


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE)

(for example in concrete\startup\debug_logging.php and concrete\controllers\upgrade.php)

and change them to the following:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE)

This got my sites running again.
filippobottega replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you siteadvice!

Your help is been very usefull !

Best regards,
mtt66 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Siteadvice,

I have a similar problem (version
After doing as you suggested, I got rid of the error messages, but the site is completely blank, while before I could "see" it through the error message lines. On top of that it won't recognize my admin password nor sending the email to reset it.

I'm stuck and a little bit lost.
Any further help would be appreciated.
