Our IT system hates Concrete!

Hi all.
I'm new to C5, but from what I've seen of it so far, I can already see the need to replace our terrible, terrible, dated, awful, terrible websites with shiny new, post-2.0 C5-based ones, however the sites are actually a perfect outward representation of out bats**t-crazy IT systems that seem to invent gremlins and problems that nobody understands, so I'm deferring to the forums where hopefully I'll find some genuine knowledgeable experts, rather than bottom-of-the-food-chain IT grunts, to help me figure out my problem!

In short - our IT doesn't seem to work with the Concrete5 community.

I tried to setup both a demo on c5.org and a clean install on my own server to test it out. Both worked no problems on my Macbook AND my Galaxy S2 on Chrome (I installed a site with my phone, how awesome is our world?!), however get to my office and both installs stop at adding the admin account and give me:

mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'Guest' for key 2] in EXECUTE("insert into Groups (gName, gDescription) values ('Guest', 'The guest group represents unregistered visitors to your site.')")

Similarly, I find that I can't log in to the community - I just get an invalid username/password warning. The only way to login is thanks to the intelligent decision on C5's part to auto-login after a password reset.

The office is Citrix-based, but the error is the same on the native desktop too, in all of the big 3 browsers. So it must be something to do with the system's connection to the internet, rather than a browser or Citrix error, but neither me, nor my colleagues who supposedly run IT, have much of a clue what's behind this. Oh, and when I asked the C5 tech support (at this point not knowing it was limited to my office system) he wasn't sure either.

I'm desperate to build a decent business case and get us onto C5, but unless we can make it work as it's supposed to, I'm screwed, so thanks so much for any advice you can give me. My back-end knowledge is fairly limited, but not zero, if that helps.

Cheers all,