Page Settings and Dashboard side-panels saying "Access Denied" when clicked after upgrading to

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Hello everybody, I've got this bizarre error after upgrading from to

Here's what happens:
1. I manually upgraded from to by putting the new core in /updates and running the script in /dashboard/system/backup/update/.
2. Now, clicking on the dashboard side panel displays a raw "Access Denied" message and nothing else:
3. Going straight to the dashboard by typing works normally. I can do everything from there.
4. Additionally, clicking the "Page Settings" cogwheel on any page does nothing, i.e. the site moves to the right as though it tries to load the menus, but nothing happens.

Any ideas?

OrionFOTL replied on at Permalink Reply
Bumping for visibility. What could it be?
bram1028 replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever resolve this? I have this exact issue on when I enable pretty URLs.
OrionFOTL replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope. Had to stay on the version I have.
bram1028 replied on at Permalink Reply
I fixed my issue by updating the rewrite rule in nginx. Had to add the

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php/$request_uri;

The problem was concrete5 was not able to get the query string without this for some reason.
GBNT replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi bram1028,

where did you do this edit?