PDOException: could not find driver

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PDOException: could not find driver

Added Login 1.0,
Securty Wall 0.4
and Guest Views 1.2.1

to my test site hosted on Concrete5

Now getting the error message when trying to edit any page.

paulastewart replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In addition to making it impossible to edit your site, this problem manifests itself by making it impossible to uninstall Add-Ons.

The problem is caused by the Security Wall application. To get rid of it, you must disable Security Wall.

1) Go to your Dashboard
2) There is a new "Security Wall" menu item on the bottom of the Dashboard menu. Click on it.
3) Disable the security wall.

Once you do this, you should be back to having fun.

On the Security Wall package description, there is a "More Information" link. You'll want to read this before enabling the package again.

(I know this because I had the same problem as you for several hours last night, and figured it out by experimenting another hour this morning. Your Add-On list in the post helped, because I had just installed a bunch of them. Thank you!)

charmarsh replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect solution. Thank you for your efforts!
paulastewart replied on at Permalink Reply
I received a message from the Security Wall developer, with the following information:

I'm really sorry for those problems.

I updated the package right now disabling it by default and adding security bypass for admin user and administrators group.

His changes should eliminate this problem for other new users. You will need to enable the Security Wall for it to run in the future.