[Solved] PHP Errors will not go away.

Hey all,

I'm getting some (re: hundreds) of PHP errors on my site all of a sudden. I haven't made any server side changes and ive checked with my host and nothings changed there. I am the only one experiencing this issue.

I have uploaded a user.ini file to confirm that all the settings are correct and that PHP errors should not be showing up but they persist.

You can see the errors at 'in-exile.com'. I cannot figure this out, it just makes no sense.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. A sample of the errors are listed below.

Strict Standards: Non-static method Loader::db() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\CloudSites\in-exile.com\webroot\concrete\models\collection.php on line 656
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::set() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\CloudSites\in-exile.com\webroot\concrete\models\collection.php on line 666
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::key() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\CloudSites\in-exile.com\webroot\concrete\libraries\cache.php on line 95
Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::getLibrary() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\CloudSites\in-exile.com\webroot\concrete\libraries\cache.php on line 97

theone85ca replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

After a hellish few hours I managed to do a manual upgrade from (I know, a little out-dated) to 5.6. This seems to have fixed the issues I was having with PHP.

Anyone else with this issue, I followed the post linked below to a degree.


From I had to upgrade to This restored limited functionality to my dashboard. I then was able to scroll all the way to the bottom of the dashboard passed all the PHP errors to find the 'Concrete5 is out of date' section and tell it to do the upgrade.

That upgrade led me to 5.5 which was functional and the I did the upgrade to 5.6.

Hopefully no ones running Concrete5 this out of date but you never know!
ericob replied on at Permalink Reply
Me! I'm running a version of Concrete that old ( on my staging site and on the live site. Why haven't I upgraded? Because I TRIED to do so, but the updater script told me I was 'already up to date.' But with the OLD version.

Apparently this not entirely an unusual experience. I am about 8 hours into the hellish process you allude to. Part of this time was just doing the research to try to figure out how Concrete5 is using the "updates" folder, then figuring out which concrete5 versions are prerequisites for which OTHER concrete5 versions, the downloading those versions, copying the contained "concrete" folder somewhere else, renaming it with the version number as a suffix, zipping that file, then uploading it to my server, unzipping it, an then going through the "rename old concrete folder to concreteOldVersionNumber and removing the suffix from the "next in line" concrete folder.

Then running the update script.

All very tiresome, I must say. ;(
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Once you have done it once or twice it's just a 10 minute process to update manually.

Please see this how-to on upgrading really old sites (in accordance to the link posted above): http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/developers/update-ve...
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to necro-bump, I updated the docs for this recently.
