Theme Description.txt file

I thought this was pretty straight forward.. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.. but I created a thumbnail.png file and added it to my new themes main directory, I added a description.txt file with the name and description of the theme.. and yet my title and description keep showing up as chicken scratch.. See attached.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong.. Please advise.. Thanks!

1 Attachment

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
its set to ascii text- try setting it to plain text.
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I change that? And I just checked and all of the pre-installed Concrete5 themes are ASCII files?
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
really? I'm not sure then. maybe try copying one of those into your theme and seeing if it shows up right.
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like your using OS X. You can do this, jump into terminal, go to the theme directory and delete the description.txt then run this:

echo 'Merced Theme' > description.txt; echo 'This is standard Merced Theme from version 1.' >> description.txt

(That command is all on one line) That'll create it for you and should be okay.

- Josh
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok.. I wasn't sure what you were referring to with that command line.. but I assumed you were talking about a command prompt?

So I tried that.. and couldn't get it to work. So then.. taking what you said about my MAC.. I logged onto terminal services and simply created a new text file. It's now displaying as a text file.. but it's still not showing up right.

I even went so much as to copy the description.txt file from the dark chocolate theme and pasted it in as is into /concrete5.4/themes/concretedemo/ and that didn't work either.. : (
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok.. I wasn't sure what you were referring to with that command line.. but I assumed you were talking about a command prompt?

So I tried that.. and couldn't get it to work. So then.. taking what you said about my MAC.. I logged onto terminal services and simply created a new text file. It's now displaying as a text file.. but it's still not showing up right.

I even went so much as to copy the description.txt file from the dark chocolate theme and pasted it in as is into /concrete5.4/themes/concretedemo/ and that didn't work either.. : (
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmp neither of those worked.... I wonder (and this is a big stretch) if the column in the table has a different character set then the rest.. Also just for the sake of it, did you try clearing the cache from Dashboard >> Sitewide Settings?

- Josh
getjoel replied on at Permalink Reply
I just clicked on the CLEAR CACHE button and that didn't do anything. Weird..
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
Well I'm all out, all I've got left is the smurf theory.... but seriously, I attached a description.txt, just to humor us try using that. And then if that doesn't work, how do you access your database? Assuming MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro?

- Josh