Update to from problems

Update seemed to go fine in most respects but if I select Extend Concrete5 on the dashboard I get a blank screen.

And if I select Install under that heading I also get a blank screen

If I select Update under that heading I get a vague Server Error - see attached file.

If I click themes or add-ons under that heading I get the normal screen.

A similar site (same theme) that I also upgraded from to is not having these problems.

How should I go about fixing this?

Thanks for any help - Jason

1 Attachment

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
There have been problems with auto update recently so I would advice against using it, instead do this,
download the latest package from this website (currently,
unzip the package and ftp it into the root/updates/ folder,
then run this file from your browser,
make sure you backup your database before updating just in case..

If you need to re-run the update file use this code
jkmelancon replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, although it was useful for me to learn how to do a manual update, it did not solve this particular problem.

I also re-ran the update code.

The Extend Concrete5 screen is still a blank and the database backup function also returns a generic Server Problem message and fails.

Any ideas on what I should try next?