Upgrading from to 8.x.x

We attempting to update a website from v5.7.5.13 to any 8 version. However, we get the following error:

Invalid argument $savePath 'tcp://'

The IP address appears to be a SQL server but it is not the SQL server the C5 database resides on. So, I am unsure as to where this IP address is coming from. This is on a staging copy of the website and we don't want to attempt an upgrade on the live website as we think it will end up going down.

The second slight issue we have is the size of the database, the sessions table is huge and we keep emptying this table every so often. Is there any way of prevent this table being populated? The website sometimes throws 500 errors too. Does this point to a poor hosting platform?


DKPatel replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd always use the console, php ./bin/concrete.php there you never have problems with timeouts or similar things. Have you tried that?

you have to change the core files first (replace concrete5 folder)! the upgrade on the console is only available in v8.
and follow :
heckford replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks but still struggling...

Essentially, the live website is stuck on v5.7.5.7. Updating a local copy of the website to v5.7.5.13 is no problem, then further on to v8 is also without issue. I've tried via the dashboard and replacing the concrete directory with the new v5.7.5.13 version, both cause the same error message. I can only assume it's the live server environment which I have added below, is there something amiss:

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20160412000000
# concrete5 Packages
Live Chat (1.0.1).
# concrete5 Overrides
blocks/autonav/templates/side-navigation/view.php, blocks/autonav/templates/side-navigation, blocks/autonav/templates, blocks/autonav, blocks/next_previous/controller.php, blocks/next_previous, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES, languages/it_IT, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/tr_TR, languages/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES, languages/cs_CZ, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fr_FR, languages/es_PY/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/es_PY/LC_MESSAGES, languages/es_PY, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pt_BR, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/el_GR, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES, languages/da_DK, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fi_FI
# concrete5 Cache Settings
Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).
# Server Software

DKPatel replied on at Permalink Reply
At your local end, setup done properly?
and for the live server, must use console, there you never have problems with timeouts or similar things, as your configuration. execution time is too low for concrete version update.
heckford replied on at Permalink Reply
Got the local copy to v8.4.4, works fine. All the updates were done via the dashboard. I uploaded the local files and the database to a staging environment and ended up with a white screen, a 500 error.

I believe I have located the issue, it is our hosting. Specifically, concrete5 request URLs. It seems on a fresh install the CMS cannot parse the FILE_INFO information from the server. I have opened a support ticket with TSOHost to see if they can resolve the issue.
heckford replied on at Permalink Reply
After a lengthly period of trial and error, I have eventually updated the website to v8.4.4 on the test server.

I upgraded the server PHP version to 7.1 and a php.ini file was added in the root with the following:
engine = On
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off
short_open_tag = On
asp_tags = Off
precision    =  12
y2k_compliance = On
output_buffering = Off
zlib.output_compression = Off
implicit_flush = Off
serialize_precision = 100
safe_mode = Off
disable_functions =
expose_php = Off
max_execution_time = 60     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds

I did a fresh install of v8.4.4, just an empty site to check if the website would actually install and run which it did. I replaced all the files and database with the version. Then updated via the dashboard, first up to v5.7.5.13. Updating to v8.0 or v8.1 didn't work due to a missing column in the database,http://www.concrete5.org/developers/bugs/8-1-0/upgrade-from- So I skipped to v8.2, then updated to v.8.3, v.8.4 and finally to 8.4.4.

After initial checks of the website all looks good.