upgrading to 8.0.3 from 7.5.13 unexpected error

Hi C5,

have been trying to update for awhile with no success. Last attempt from 7.5.12 to 8.0.2 resulted in a PDOException (whatever that is)... Wasn't able to get any insights from the forums so I thougth I would wait for the upgrade to come via the dashboard which usually works. But I saw that 7.5.13 and 8.0.3 were released so I updated from 7.5.12 to 7.5.13 without any problems. When I tried 5.7.13 to 8.0.3, this is the error I received:

An exception occurred while executing 'select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.siteTreeID, Pages.cPointerID, Pages.cPointerExternalLink, Pages.cIsActive, Pages.cIsSystemPage, Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow, Pages.cFilename, Pages.ptID, Collections.cDateAdded, Pages.cDisplayOrder, Collections.cDateModified, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cCheckedOutUID, cIsTemplate, uID, cPath, cParentID, cChildren, cCacheFullPageContent, cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime, cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom from Pages inner join Collections on Pages.cID = Collections.cID left join PagePaths on (Pages.cID = PagePaths.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) where Pages.cID = ?' with params [false]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Pages.siteTreeID' in 'field list'

Please help! This is driving me crazy!