Upgrading to 8.4.1 from 8.3.2 fails

So I tried upgrading my website which failed horribly.

The error I'm getting is:
An exception occurred while executing 'ALTER TABLE AreaLayoutsUsingPresets ADD CONSTRAINT FK_7A9049A1385521EA FOREIGN KEY (arLayoutID) REFERENCES AreaLayouts (arLayoutID) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE':

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table `concrete5`.`#sql-215_264a4` (errno: 121 "Duplicate key on write or update")

It says the constraint FK_7A9049A1385521EA already exists, which it doesn't - so I'm a bit lost what is actually going on.

Arsenal replied on at Permalink Reply
So after digging through my database, I finally found a hint why it might fail:

In `information_schema` in INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN there is a link from the foreign key to a temporary table. And that probably causes the trouble.

Now I just have to find out how to get rid of that link...