
AttributeKeyName and $controller->getTitle()

Hi, So, I am trying to make a better template for concrete/blocks/page_attribute_display/view.php Right now, title and content are being outputed as '$controller->getTitle()' and '$controller->getContent()' but these output an attribute title 'Title…

Frontend is not getting locale computed

Hi there, I've been able to [code]var_dump(Localization::getInstance( ));[/code] Output: [code] protected 'remote' => array (size=0) empty protected 'locale' => string 'en_GB' (length=5) protected 'fallbac…

Database error on 'Reload strings' - Multilingual

Hi there, Whenever I go to "System & Settings > Multilingual > Translate Site Interface" and try to 'Reload Strings' I get this error: An unexpected error occurred. [code] An exception occurred while executing 'select distinct (binary arHandle) as…

language switch displaying in multi-language

I want the language switch to display the languages as NOT translated to the viewing language. Standard display for a site with languages dutch/german/english, the switch should display like this: nederlands/deutsch/english so every visitor can read th…

Is there a native possibility to store multilanguage objects in db?

Hi, I was asked to create a package for a multilanguage website. In TYPO3 it is simple to store translated records - there is a main record, let's say a product, in the default language, and alternative language records can easily be stored/created. Tha…

Multilanguage website

Hello, Is it possible with Concrete5 to create a multilanguage website in this format: (main website) (Dutch translation) (German translation) (Belgian translation and so forth. We have…

Concrete5.7 Internationalization

I started working on an international website using c5.7.5.8 I followed Franz's excellent YouTube instructions at I created the sub-level language trees off of the original home page. All is going well. …

Date Helper and Japanese date format

Hi as per the docs at I'm using a date helper $dateHelper = \Core::make('helper/date'); to localize the I want to display to the user's settings (or the default web site langu…

Translate a block in multiple languages?

Hello Everyone I am on c5.7.5.8 and up What's the best practice to translate a custom block? [code] PATH po: blockName/languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po PATH mo: blockName/languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/ [/code] Can I use this one…

Multilingual blog

Hello guys. i am creating Multilingual site in concrete5. Everything on the site working fine.i want to display my blog in Russian language.when i open the page in Russian language facing this error "DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (…

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