
Addon (package, block..) and translation

Hi, Is it possible or planed to translate addons like blocks or packages ? I can't think any way to do that without modify the unique po file... and it doesn't seem very nice.

Content with Greek characters

I am planning a multilingual site where Greek is one of the languages. I really prefer Concrete5 for CMS, but is it capable of displaying written content in Greek? It appears that Concrete5 only supports UTF-8, which does not contain Greek characters.…

Danish message.po brakes Javascript in, why?

Hi, I have just finished the danish translation for Concrete 5.3.1. I did a clean install, everything works fine. When I add "define('LOCALE', 'da_DK');" in /config/site.php, my testsite is Danish, but now javascript is broken. I can't add/edit a block…

Slovenian translation

I've translated latest version of Concrete to Slovenian language. Language code is: sl_SI

Traduzione Italiana Ufficiale: Concrete5 in italiano!

ATTENZIONE! Questo post era stato creato per tenere aggiornato qui nel forum il file di traduzione da me mantenuto fino al 13 ottobre 2010. Da poco dopo questa data ho smesso di diventare il referente per la lingua italiana ed al mio posto è subentrato ha…

Arabic (and other locals) on Debian

Hi, After a whole day of testing and searching for a solution, here is my case and solution. Environment =========== - Debian Linux - Apache 2.2.9 - PHP 5.2.6 - gettext 0.17 (faster than php_gettext ) - locales en_US Issue ===== The main is…

Upgrading from 5.2.1 to 5.3

For ALL international users who wants to upgrade your site to 5.3 from 5.2.1. ==================== Short Description ==================== If you are using non-ASCII character, you need to SSH and mysqldump your database in order to upgrade 5.3. Othe…

Tutorial: How to localize concrete5 WITHOUT php 'gettext' enabled

Hi there, I spent several hours to get concrete5 with a correct localization working on a shared-hoster of a client with the required php-'gettext'-module disabled and no ability to edit the php.ini. So if that's what you have to face, you might contin…

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