Bilingual Menu


I am adding an Arabic version of an already existing English website developed with Concrete5.

I have created all pages for Arabic but I don't know how to change the menu.

I am very new to Conrete5.

cristi78 replied on at Permalink Reply

In Dashboard go to Stacks and Blocks - Stacks and Global Areas and enter Global Areas. Here you will find an area called Global Navigation or so. Click it and then use the dropdown box in the upper part of the page to select the language for which you want to add navigation. Click the blue button "Create localized global area version" and after that add an autonav block (or edit the auto copied one) and modify its options to Begin Auto Nav - Beneath a particular page (here you must select the home page of your respective language).

I hope this will help.
ChanTiu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, thanks for your reply. I am using V5.6. I don't see the things you are saying.