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I would like to translate C5 to Swedish, need help how to get started though.

Mattias replied on at Permalink Reply
Hej Fredrik! Jag vill hjälpa dig med att översätta C5 till svenska. Hör av dig! /Mattias
Fredrik replied on at Permalink Reply
Mattias and I have now translated the messages.po file to Swedish.

Have some thoughts about the swedish characters åäö, they didnt show up properly so I change them into the html-code for the characters, but now the pop-up windows looks strange instead with the html-code showing as text instead of the å,ä, or ö character.
Fredrik replied on at Permalink Reply
Fredrik replied on at Permalink Reply
petter replied on at Permalink Reply
Where can I download the swedish translation or get a copy of it.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
has there been any changes elsewhere guys? how's the translation coming along?
Fredrik replied on at Permalink Reply
The first messages.po file that was submited before the new 5.1 release is done.
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
hey guys, would love to help out with the translation if it's not already finished. How's it going?
Mattias replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here you can download the file that Fredrik and I have translated.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I've added your file to our translation svn server:


I've merged it with our latest version (5.2RC2 - which should be coming out very soon.) Would someone be interested in having svn access, and helping to finish up the rest of the strings that need to be translated for this release?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
If you would, send me an email through my profile and I'll send out svn access, and you'll be able to work through svn and check your changes in directly, without having to post them to the site.
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
Might be a stupid question, but I can't really manage to install the language file... tried by looking at the concrete help file on installing languages but it doesn't seem to work.

I'm running 5.2

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This file, in messages.po format, has to be converted to an .mo file before it can be used. On Linux/OS X this is easy to do:

1. Download the .po file
2. Find it in your terminal.
3. Enter the command "msgfmt -o messages.mo messages.po"
4. This should create a new file that's named messages.mo
5. Go into your web root, cd into the languages/ directory
6. mkdir sv_SE, mkdir sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES
7. copy the messages.mo file into the new directory
8. Change config/site.php, add in <? define('LOCALE', 'sv_SE'); ?>

And that should do it. Note: since you didn't install this with this language activated, it won't change the titles of the pages throughout the site.
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
wasn't the easiest project to get the mo file.. the gettext thingy was evidently missing from os x so I had to go install ubuntu and get it through there...
The mo file if anyone want's it:http://a1.s3.p.quickshareit.com/files/messages430fd.mo...

In the site.php file it's
define('LOCALE', 'sv_SE'); somewhere inside the <?php ..... ?> (instead of <? define('LOCALE', 'sv_SE'); ?> - or at least that one messed up something)

petter replied on at Permalink Reply
Who is responsible for the Swedish translation, i.e. with SVN access etc.
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi! I've commenced work on a new translation of the messages.po on the trunk. This is because the previous translation is incomplete (some translations are missing), and it seems that it is for 5.2. Also, it needs a bit of copywriting to ensure consistent terminology and proper spelling and grammar.

I am about two-thirds done, and expect to be finished very soon as I need the translation myself rather urgently. Then I will ensure that it is working properly (perhaps it should be put on the web for others to test, too).

I hope this does not offend the current translations, but unfortunately I can't wait for an update so I had to do it this way.
petter replied on at Permalink Reply
If you need any help, let me know.
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
I've actually finished the translation now, and it seems to work (though strings are notably longer ;-) ), but I think anything going into any sort of production needs a bit more proofing than just the writer's own eyes. It is attached to this reply. (Some small changes - edited 21.15)
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
The edit form allows me to edit the previous post, and remove the previously attached file. However, when I try to attach the new one (which the form allows), it doesn't seem to actually save the file anywhere. Anyway, here goes (er, see below instead).
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I've found a misspelling with my test install, "Vänster sidofäl" should be "Vänster sidofält". But the most annoying thing is how the statistics graph on the dashboard looks - the x-axis labels are all messed up (see attachment). What should be "lör sön mån tis ons" (sat - wed) instead becomes "l??(chinese character)tis". There seems to be some utf-8 issue with the graphing code.
petter replied on at Permalink Reply
In file concrete/libraries/3rdparty/open_flash_chart.php

Uncomment line 178 and days will be visible correctly.

So change:
//$tmp = utf8_encode( $tmp );
$tmp = utf8_encode( $tmp );

I am also looking through the Swedish translation and so far it looks really good.

Breadcrumb trail is hard one.... "länkstig" is short enough...
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
säger man inte brödsmulor?
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Om man tänker i termer av breadcrumb trail blir brödsmulestig eller -spår lite otympligt. Brödsmula/-or i sig säger inte så mycket, jag tänker mest på att städa köket när jag hör det. Om man googlar på länkstig får man nästan 30 000 träffar, så det verkar vara vedertaget. Själv tog jag ordet ifrån Drupals översättningsguide (http://groups.drupal.org/node/6097 ) eftersom jag tyckte att Svenska Datatermgruppens förslag synlig sökväg var ganska intetsägande (alla sidor har ju en sökväg, synlig i adressfältet...), samtidigt som jag höll med dem om att brödsmulestig inte riktigt lät som förståelig svenska (http://www.nada.kth.se/dataterm/fos-lista.html#f140 ).
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
jo sant alltså. men brödsmulor låter så gemytligt :P
med anor från rödluvan :) men det säger ju såklart mer rent tekniskt med länkstig men jag undrar om inte en vanlig jönsson skulle förstå mer vad brödsmulor va?…
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
..men frågan är om en jönsson hänger med i vad det är oavsett? En webbdesigner förstår nog vad det än står, men med "mannen på gatan" (exvis den person på ett litet företag som råkar ha fått uppgiften att lägga ut saker på nätet i sitt knä av bara farten) är det nog hugget som stucket, men jag tror ändå att länkstig beskriver bättre. Jag menar, det bildas ju en stig av länkar, men inga brödsmulor syns...

Visst låter länkstig oväntat poetiskt, men brödsmulorna kommer faktiskt ifrån Hans och Greta :)
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
hehe hans och greta va det ja! :D

länkstig it is :)

jag får bara inte concrete att vilja ändra språk på min vps… jävla irriterande. funkar klockrent på en inbyggd mac os x apache grej men inte på det man själv får för sig att mecka ihop.
Du har inte nån koll på vilka grejer man måsta ha aktivt i php eller i systemet för att språk ska funka? också haft polare som haft samma probs på vanliga apache. Börjar tro att det är nån fjant grej som inte följer med om man kör vanliga installationer av php/apache.
Det står i installationen att det ska funka med gettext aktivt… skit skumt
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Hm, det är inte så att din Mac har en PowerPC-processor medan produktionsservern kör Intel - eller tvärtom? Jag är inte helt hundra, men jag har en känsla av att gettext kräver rätt "endianness". Om det är så att du kör PPC, skulle jag kunna skicka en Intel-mo till dig så att du kan testa med den.
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
jag skapade mo filen på linux servern (vps:en) då borde det ju bli rätt för den tycker man… men alltså det är inget annat man behöver ha installerat förutom gettext? wordpress kan ju översätta fint och den använder gettext, jag tänkte om concrete behöver någon till pryl för att leka med…
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Tyvärr har jag ingen aning om vad det kan vara i så fall. Möjligen rättighetsproblem, att någon mapp eller fil inte har korrekt skiftläge (Mac HFS är inte känsligt för det, men övriga *nixar brukar ju vara det). Annars - fråga i forumet denna tråd ligger i.
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
(removed, see below)
petter replied on at Permalink Reply
Used word to find misspelled words etc..

Needs to be translated
- Width (same en and se)
- Height (same en and se)

Misspelled (search for them to find them)
- Ogitligt
- databasebn
- Spapar
- leverers (*2)
- existerandre
- forsätta

Which one should we use for "sitemap", the ones below are all used today...
- översikt
- webplatsöversikt
- platskarta
- webbplatskarta
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
My vote is on webbplatskarta.
Seems to be the most common according to our beloved google friend…
philiph replied on at Permalink Reply
However, I would probably end up using webbplatsöversikt on the actual website, when thinking about it it seems a tad clearer to what it actually is… hmm the best would be to use the same everywhere of course.
webbplatsöversikt might be preferable than webbplatskarta after all.. any votes? :)
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Didn't think of using Word to do that, and POEdit doesn't check spelling... Here goes, a new .po.

I wasn't sure whether any handle would be affected by translating h/w, but I checked and the handles aren't included in the .po, so I translated those two leftovers.

However, I decided on using Översikt for the Sitemap in Dashboard, but webbplatskarta for the actual sitemaps accessible by users and search engines. Webbplatskarta doesn't fit nicely in the dashboard, nor does it look that great in the dropdowns when moving files. I'm not sure I like it that way, but that is somewhat consistent in the backend/frontend, respectively. How do we solve that? In those (frontend) places where platskarta is used, it now has been expanded to the full word.
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
edit: with a minor correction
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Editing a previous post still doesn't enable one to actually add a new attachment, but only gives you the ability to delete the previous one from the post.

BTW, it seems like someone here has svn access for the Swedish translation? Please raise your hand :)
shiki replied on at Permalink Reply

Bara jag som har problem att få översättning till svenska att funka på nyinstallationer av C5?

Har funkat klockrent på äldre siter, men den senaste tiden har jag inte fått det att fungera alls!

Vore mycket tacksam för svar!
florido replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any recent version of the translation? that one is two years old... I'll keep an eye on it!
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
I know, I helped in writing it back then. And yes, it seems it's broken for the moment. I've resynched the messages.po to trunk and am writing on it a bit, will post back later this week if all goes well. I need it for another project myself. :)
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I've updated my translation to r334 on the svn repo, and it seems it contains all the strings for 5.4.2 on myGengo. However, I can't figure out how to upload it onto myGengo, so I'm attaching it here.
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll try to look at it when time permits (i.e., don't hold your breath for this month).
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, there's something fishy with the .po for Swedish, I'll be ogling/v-grepping it until I figure out why the pop-up editing menu just. Won't. Show. Figure it could be a missed quote somewhere, but an older .po doesn't work either. Are you getting the menu with only the top background graphic showing?

Oddly, everything else works just fine, just not the js edit menu.
Konvolut replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I have found a solution to the missing pop-up editing menu for sv_SE.

Removing the backslashes and quotation marks for the translated word "Platt" makes the menu show up for me.

As far as I can see the only occurence of
surrounding text in the 542.po file is this one:
msgid "Flat View"
msgstr ""
"\"Platt\" visning"

My way to solve the problem:
- Downloaded the sv_SE translation fromhttp://mygengo.com/string/p/concrete5-1/...
- Opened 542.po in Textedit (om my Mac)
- Removed line 3 "Project-Id-Version" and line 12 "Plural-Forms" (because Poedit says they have to be changed anyway).
- Changed
"\"Platt\" visning"
"Platt visning"

- Opened and saved 542.po with Poedit on my Mac. This gave me the 542.mo file.
- After uploading the 542.mo file the pop-up editing menu works ok for me again.

I have not requested translation rights for mygengo yet so if someone else is reading this and can test the solution it would be great.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I might be able to test on Friday. Just need to set a reminder...
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Oddly enough this has worked before - I wonder what changed and made it break. Reason why I added the quotes in the first place, was that flat in Swedish would be more as in "as flat as a pancake", than "non-hierarchical". I'll update the string on myGengo.

Konvolut replied on at Permalink Reply
For me there is a difference in the file format between the mygengo and the locally crafted Poedit files.

An unedited 542.po downloaded from mygengo has this source format:
msgid "Flat View"
msgstr ""
"\"Platt\" visning"

After opening and saving the 542.po with Poedit.app for Mac ver 1.4.6 the format has changed to this:
msgid "Flat View"
msgstr "\"Platt\" visning"

Anyways, the main thing is that we have a Swedish translation that works again :)
Konvolut replied on at Permalink Reply
As for the translation of "Platt". Why not call it "Lista"?
- Visa som Träd
- Visa som Lista
aofdsjklsre replied on at Permalink Reply
Oddly, I can't find the original string right now; is it fixed? Also, Visa som... should be followed by a regular noun, not a proper one (i.e., not capitalized), but I'll check myGengo for that.
slydge replied on at Permalink Reply
The translation doesn't work for me, no pop-up menu appears when clicking a block. I tried to edit the .po file still no change. Any ideas?
slydge replied on at Permalink Reply
Apparently it worked in 5.5 thou it lacks some translations. I can also help out with future translating if needed.

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
So how do we translate Composer?


I'm completely out of ideas, but that is the closest I get. I set it (along with some other stuff) as pending in the 5.5.1 translation. Please have a look and change them or set them as final.

If you don't have access you can always come up with an idea for composer here.
MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply
As I understand "Composer" is only for the blog?
If that's the case why not "Blogga" or something like that ?

Mr L
jensborje replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for this solution! The edit menu works great after changing this.