Get multilingual attributes working on frontend

Hey there,

I am facing a problem with the correct display of user attribute keys in the frontend and I seem to cannot get my head around it. So if you have some experience in this aspect, here is the problem description:

I am running a multilingual site (v.

With use of:

1. Register User Pro Add-On
2. Localizer Add-On

Each language section has its own register page:
-- Register-ESP

and so on.

There are some custom user attributes at work and their keys need to be displayed correctly like:
EN: 'date of birth'
IT: 'data di nascita'

This is all done with the Localizer package and works fine within the dashboard.

But on the frontend - the transaltions are not applied to the keys AND the concrete5-core error messages ('password missing'...) are not translated as well.

So for whatever reason, the register pages don't seem to recognise the language setting that work just fine for everything else.

BUT the built-in attributes (address) are translated just fine. So that's the strange thing :-)

Your job would be to find the reason for that problem and a fix for it. Full access to FTP/SQL/C5 available.

Thank you!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This might seem silly but I think it's worth a try, I saw another poster with a similar issue and theirs was resolved by re-indexing the site and then updating the rest of the translations through the Localizer package.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the hint but it did not work :(