Looking for developer to help with SSL

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I've created a site that's all up and running with the exception of SSL. I can't get it to work - at least I don't think it's working.

The cert is working because I can put a static html file in the same folder as the C5 install and that is working as SSL - displays the padlock etc. But the C5 site simply diverts https to http with no explanation - I can't work it out - it's beyond me :)

So to define the job. Get the installed site working when a user types "https" into the address pane. Thanks it. I will set up the force SSL on specific pages once this is done.

Thanks for checking out.

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
In your /config/site.php file, do you have a line with BASE_URL?

In version 5.4 of concrete5, you needed this line in there, but with 5.5 onwards it isn't needed (unless you want to force a particular url).

If it's in there, perhaps try commenting it out.
verb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks for your quick reply.

I'm currently running

I've tired editing the site.php to include the BASE URL and not include etc with no luck. below is the current version of the site.php (with privacy edits).

define('DB_SERVER', 'servername');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'user name');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'database name');
define('PASSWORD_SALT', 'password salt');
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', 'email');
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
If there isn't anything there, I'm wondering if you have a redirect rule set up for your hosting account.

I'd check your .htaccess file, and perhaps speak to your host.
verb replied on at Permalink Reply
When I moved the site from staging to live, the https kept redirecting the the staging URL the only pace I could find the old staging URL was in the database so I went through and did a find and change in the database with everything (old URL) to (new URL)

This is in the database, should it be there?
,('BASE_URL_SSL','2012-11-21 17:47:29','https://domain.com',0,0)
verb replied on at Permalink Reply
also, if there was a redirect rule, I don't think the static html page would work as https?
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes and no. Redirect/write rules can be set up to handle only particular kinds requests.

I've personally not seen (or noticed) any URLs actually stored in the database. I'm a bit stumped I'm sorry.
I'm sure someone else has ideas though - I think your concrete5 version will be important to mention.
verb replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, I thought it was strange too when I found it, maybe I have to install a clean C5 and see if that works, then re populate the whole site.

thanks for your help :)
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
verb replied on at Permalink Reply
there's nothing in the .htaccess file either fyi