New Website - Help ?!

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I want to make a website with log in and payment function..It s possible? I have searched through the themes but I didn't find something like that...

Can I get it done with concrete5?


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
What do you want users to pay for?

Concrete5 (no matter what Theme) has member login functionality.
stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
As hutman said you can have a login with payment ability done in C5. Are you looking for a developer to help you with this or do it yourself?
DaveLorry replied on at Permalink Reply
Please mail me your requirement at
Thomas005 replied on at Permalink Reply
Greetings !

I can help you with this , please check my details .
Please get in touch so we can discuss further .

Regards ,
Skype: Thomas.cis