Auto-nav Alphabet lettes in results?


I'm trying to build a auto-nav with all the pages order by alphabet. And I want to show the letter for each 'section' like this:

a page
a second page
be here page
be here second page

Where do I start to make this happen?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I think that you actually want to use the PageList block, not the Auto-Nav block since the Auto-Nav block by default puts them into a nested ul/li list.

You could create a custom template for the PageList block by copying /concrete/blocks/page_list/view.php out to /blocks/page_list/templates/alpha_list.php (I have attached an example for this file, just remove the .txt extension and put it in this place)

Then you would setup your PageList block setting number of pages to 0 (which should get all pages) and order by alphabetical order, then apply your Alpha List custom template.