jQuery sliders that pull images from filesets - where to change order of images?

need some help here. I am administrating a bunch of websites made with c5.6

Allmost all add ons are now unsupported. I need to change the image order in different sliders. Like the Blueberry Image slider for instance.
The sliders pull images from a file set.
By default, the images will always be displayed as oldest first.

I am looking for some suggestions where to look for that setting, what to look for specifically and how to change it to newest first.

I am no coder, but maybe with help I can get there.

Maybe someone who has built a similar block at some point can give me some suggestions.

Specifically - would that setting be in the js code or in the php codes.
Packages come with controller.php, edit.php, view.php and so on. Would that setting be in one of these fiels?
My guess is no, since all the sliders based on jQuery follow the same defaults. So maybe the code I am looking for is in some of the .js files?

What would it look like?
What is the most likely place this setting is coded?

Appreciate any help! Thxs a lot guys and gals

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
For the BLuberry image slider, in the file packages/tra_blueberry_slider/blocks/tra_blueberry_slider/controller.php, line 96 you have the follwoing
$data = $db->getAll("SELECT fsID,fID FROM FileSetFiles WHERE fsID=? ORDER BY fsDisplayOrder", array($this->fsID) );

replace fsDisplayOrder with timestamp asc or timestamp desc depending on what you want.
For instance the following should order your files starting from the most recent.
$data = $db->getAll("SELECT fsID,fID FROM FileSetFiles WHERE fsID=? ORDER BY timestamp desc", array($this->fsID) );
rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, thank you very much for this information!!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You can shuffle the display order of a fileset in the dashboard.
rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
Never knew that! Awesome, I found out how this works now ... thanks a LOT