Strange font scaling

I am building a website for a client, using a legacy version of concrete5.
This because his hosting company does not have the right php version to support the latest version of concrete5.
I have build the website, the normal version works fine.
However now I am working on the mobile version of the website and it has some issues.
On lots of pages we use h3 for titles, I have specified in the css that the fontsize of h3 should be 48px.
On several pages this works, h3 is 48px, however, on other pages it is scaled and becomes 59.55px.
This also happens to any other type, like p and a.
I cannot seem to solve this, and because of this the site looks bad since on one page the text is big and on the other page the text is barely readable.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Please provide a link to the site for help troubleshooting.
TimHoncoop replied on at Permalink Reply
I cannot provide a link yet since it is still in maintenance mode requested by my client.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately without being able to see the issue it's unlikely anybody will be able to help just from that description. Sorry.
TimHoncoop replied on at Permalink Reply
Can imagine that, thanks anyways
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
A quick thing to check is that you haven't accidentally zoomed the view in your web browser (for the affected pages).