Includes valid package controller namespace

I got this error when i uploaded add-on into market place. please anyone share ideas to fix this
"Includes valid package controller namespace"

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi udayanphp,

Your package controller is missing the namespace, it extends and/or uses classes without importing them, and the class name is incorrect.

In your package controller:
- I believe this should be your namespace.
namespace Concrete\Package\CustomAdvancedSlider;

- You are extending Package without importing it. To import it, add "use Package" below your namespace.
- It appears that you are using two static methods that are part of the BlockType and Loader classes. To import these classes, add "use BlockType" and "use Loader" below "use Package".
- The class is currently named "CustomAdvancedSliderPackage" and should instead be named "Controller".