Admin bar missing on custom grid

Hi there,

I currently write a new theme and used a flexbox grid in the background. Concrete5 offers the ability to include those custom frameworks. Everything works well expect the administration bar:
If I select bootstrap3, there's an admin bar if I select "Edit Container Layout" in the menu from which I can delete the layout. In my custom grid, this admin bar is missing. So I am not able to delete a created layout.
I registered the framework within the page_theme.php
protected $pThemeGridFrameworkHandle = 'flexbox';

and initialized it in the controller.php
public function on_start()
      $manager = Core::make('manager/grid_framework');
      $manager->extend('flexbox', function($app) {
         return new FlexboxGridFramework();

May you have an idea, where the issue comes from?
The first screenshot is a created layout, the second one what happens if I click on "Edit Container Layout".

Thanks, Saskia

concrete5 8.5.4
On macOS 10.15.7, MAMP 6.0.1

3 Attachments

EvanCooper replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Saskia,

The first thing I would check - is your theme wrapped in a container div with the class "ccm-page" set on it?

Sometimes if you make a custom theme but don't include that wrapper div with that class applied, things can start behaving strangely and conflicting with the core editing interface.
saskiamail replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Evan,

I checked this and the class exists. But I found out that the console shows this error:
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'c.position().left')
   (anonyme Funktion) (Anonymes Skript 1 (Zeile 1:9103))
   (anonyme Funktion) (Anonymes Skript 1 (Zeile 1:4949))
   (anonyme Funktion) (Anonymes Skript 1 (Zeile 1:2724))
   c (Anonymes Skript 1 (Zeile 1:608))
   (anonyme Funktion) (Anonymes Skript 1 (Zeile 1:170))
   each (jquery.js:2:2886)
   each (jquery.js:2:851)
   (anonyme Funktion) (Anonymes Skript 2 (Zeile 30))
   i (jquery.js:2:27455)
   add (jquery.js:2:27750)
   (anonyme Funktion) (jquery.js:2:29819)
   (anonyme Funktion) (jquery.js:2:25186)
   n (jquery.js:2:420)
   Bewertungscode (Anonymes Skript 2 (Zeile 3))