F'd up my site.

Hi, I just started to use concrete5 (or rather trying to learn how to use it) and I have encountered following problem:

I tried to apply different theme but none seemed to work and for unknown reason I decided to delete my current theme if that would do anything. Now my site is just blank (I don't even have the "tool nav" at the top of the site). How do I fix this or should I go back to coding with notepad?

Also is there any manual or proper instructions for dummies to read? Not about making a website like "this is how you edit text" but about stuff like how to make your own styles etc.

CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Just read this please:
Anabranch replied on at Permalink Reply
Both your links go to 404
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
When you are trying to change themes are you installing the theme from the Dashboard through Extend Concret5, then going to Pages & Themes -> Themes and Activating that theme? You should be able to re-activate another theme that was previously not activated by going to /index.php/dashboard/pages/themes and clicking "Activate" by a theme.

As for developer documentation, that is here:https://documentation.concrete5.org/developers...

And tutorials are here:https://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials...

If you have specific questions feel free to ask them the the forums, the community is pretty solid about answering questions.
Anabranch replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I tried trough the dashboard but nothing happens. Could it be that my server/internet is so slow that it takes a lot of time to download the theme? Top of the site there is this downloading thing showing but it stops at the very end and I've run out of patience to just wait for more than several minutes.

I tried to manually download the theme files and add them to the 'themes' directory using FileZilla, but that didn't work either. Also I don't know how to add themes from the project site since there's only the option to 'Save for Later'.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you download them manually (my preferred method) you will need to put them in the packages folder, not the themes folder. So your path should be /packages/package_name/controller.php, many of them when unzipped will have /package_name/package_name, only upload the inner folder to the packages directory.
Anabranch replied on at Permalink Reply
This works, thank you! Also thanks for the links.