Looking for a theme to purchase

My company got the job to work on a website for a marketing company. I am looking for a theme to purchase so I can quickly get things up and running for them. This is what I would like: I need a large flash header (similar to leadvilletraid100.com), some of the companies products ranges from fleet management to mobile marketing solutions. The colors of the company are red, blue, black and white if that helps. I just need something so I can work with and I chose c5.
Thanks for the help.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply

pick anything you want there and link to it here. I'll tell ya how much to convert it for ya.
riccii replied on at Permalink Reply
http://themeforest.net/item/modern-business-3/51886 (third)

http://themeforest.net/item/business-template/50386... (second)

http://themeforest.net/item/modern-business-2/44297... (First preference)

I want to get one up and running and have the client look at it in our first evaluation meet next week. If they like fine, if not I have to go to two. But tell me on one first
thomas replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Could you estimate the cost for converting such a theme ?


bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd be interested in helping someone convert a theme to c5. message me if you need a quote. I would like to know a budget for this though before hand.
webtemplate replied on at Permalink Reply
Find here all types of templates and themes.
