re-asigning a free theme after domain change

Hi, I'm in trouble as I changed the domain for a project and thought it would be as easy to re-asign a free theme again like it is with addons.
I released the theme from the old project and now tried to re-asign it to the new project but there is noting I shown what I could re-asign :-(
At this moment the website is up and running, probably just as long it is cached.
There is one more problem, I can't really remember which themes I asigned this site to, because I thought it would be showing in the list...
I'm not sure if I go through the process of downloading the themes that were installed and activating them, if I would destroy the current status of the website.

Thank you very much for any help with this!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing will change on your website while it is in this state other than you will not receive updates, the theme is already downloaded and installed on your site as-is.

Sorry I can't be of help reconnecting a theme to the project. What error do you see when you attempt to re-assign the license? Or do you just not see your new domain in the list of available projects? Sometimes the project is smart and keeps the same name even with a domain change.
stephanaust replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for coming back.
I just don't see any theme I could re-asign.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you show a screenshot of what you mean?
stephanaust replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
here you go.
On that page I usually have a list of themes and addons I could asign...
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you attempted to "purchase" (I understand it's free) another license for this theme to make it available?
stephanaust replied on at Permalink Reply
not so far as I was afraid to destroy something :-)
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If you add another license by "purchasing" another copy of the theme it might pop into that list so you can assign it, it wouldn't break anything.
stephanaust replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I'll just try that.

Thx for your help and suggestions
stephanaust replied on at Permalink Reply
All good, that worked out fine :-)
Thx again!