The WYSWIG style dropdown isn't displaying new styles added to typography.css

I haven't modified the typography.css since I first built the site/theme over a year ago. I would like to add a few styles to the drop down however, they aren't showing up in the WYSIWYG drop down editor.

If I modify some of the attributes of a header tag, those changes appear so I must be editing the correct file, yes?

I've tried saving the revised style sheet, refreshing the c5 page, logging out & back into the c5 site and returning to the page.

The typography file lives in: root/themes/siteTheme/typography.css

Also, I wrapped a <span class="newstyle"> around the text to see if that would work. The text takes on the style while actually editing in the editor but loses the style as soon as I click save and returned back to the edit-mode page. It remains lost once the page is published.

Any ideas?

Note, I haven't upgraded to 5.6 yet because I also can't get the dashboard to recognize the uploaded 5.6 & & I don't have time to do the manual install right now.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
First, make sure you're inputting the styles correctly (TinyMCE is very finicky about this). See:

If you've got that covered, then I'd look into these:

Good luck!

FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
Got any other solutions?

I've added a style, cleared my site's cache, cleared my browser's cache and restarted my browser, but still my styles do not show up in my editor.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you post your typography.css file? Also specify the exact location of this file on your server (within your site root.... e.g. is it in /themes/mythemehandle/typography.css, or /themes/mythemehandle/css/typography.css, or in /packages/... etc.?)
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
Dangit! In responding to this post, I found out what was causing it.

I had

<link href="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>css/typography.css" rel="stylesheet">

what I needed was

<link href="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>/css/typography.css" rel="stylesheet">

I was missing the forward slash before css. Doh!
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
haha, I do that all the time (answer my own question right after I've finished asking it to someone else). Glad you got it figured out :)
blakeage replied on at Permalink Reply
Often this happens when the typography.css file is cached. If you view source on your page, click into the typography.css file and hard refresh, this usually does the trick for me.
drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
I second this - This is the only fail-safe way I have found to force this to happen, in certain cases.