$this->inc('elements\header.php'); pointing to the wrong directory.

I am new to Concrete5 theme development so I am following a Youtube course.
But when I want to use

It searches in the wrong directory as you can see:

include(C:\wamp64\www\concrete/themes/korall/elements\header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

My theme is located under: C:\wamp64\www\application\theme
and I am using the most recent version of Concrete5

Thanks in advance for any help.

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
That code should be placed at the top of each of your page template files and not in your header.php file
monjo44 replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not sure if I understand you right,
but I placed this:
<?php $this->inc('elements\header.php'); ?>
<?php $this->inc('elements\footer.php'); ?>

inside the default.php

I also tried to reinstall the theme as recomended in other threads. But none of their solutions worked for me.
Parasek replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try to use "/" instead "\"?
monjo44 replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice ty.
I deleted the cache, reinstalled the theme and changed the slash.
Now it works... :D