4th Fresh Install - Problems with Editing


I'm on my 4th fresh install of trying to get it to work (zip file downloaded from this site). I've used the older versions of Concrete without any issues at all. This one is driving me crazy. I randomly cannot edit blocks. I get a sort of whited out page and nothing, I have to refresh to get out of the page and then of course all changes are lost.

I'm also getting this craziness, I know this is really wrong but I have no idea how to fix it.

{"message":null,"title":null,"time":"2015-10-30 20:43:20","redirectURL":"http:\/\/www.adoptarescuepet.vegas\/index.php","pages":[{"name":null,"cID":null}]}

Please, can anyone point me in the right direction, I can't figure out what is wrong and why my concrete is not working. TIA

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you spoken to your host about this?

White screens might be PHP running out of memory, or other errors that could show up in a server log. That also would make sense in terms of things randomly not working. Your host might be able to spot what is going on from their side of things.
ArpVegas replied on at Permalink Reply
No, I have not because my other sites running the older Concrete are working fine, as is Wordpress...so I don't see how it could be on that end.

By a whited out screen I mean it's kind of translucent...like in the "edit" mode, but I can't get out of it without refreshing the screen. I'm resorting to hardcoding the footer at this point just to get it done :/

The main issues seem to be in the global areas although all editing seems to be kind of whacky and not really working correctly.