accessing main.css

I couldn't find a forum entry to fully answer this so I figure I would try anew. Sorry if this has already been answered and, if it has, please direct me to the previous post.

I have set up a website via C5 using the dark chocolate theme.

I want to change some things in the default theme. Using firebug, I can see where the fix needs to be made. Now I just need to be able to edit main.css.

I can't seem to be able to download it to edit and am stuck there.

Thanks in advance,

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Normally you can find the CSS files for the built in themes in the core, concrete/themes/darkchocolate/main.css

Hope that helps
dogpackitout replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, madeforspace.

I can find the code. It's just I can't seem to figure out how to edit it.

I have tried copying it to a text editor and changing it but then I can't overwrite the main.css. I can't seem to figure out how to save it as a file to then edit, etc.

Might you direct me how to make changes - even if it is for something as simple as changing the font size on a sidebar?

[#page #central #sidebar ul.nav{ list-style:none; margin-left:0px; padding:0px; padding-left:24px; font-size:11px;}]
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I assume you have ftp access and you are uploading your modified file over the top of the original main.css (make sure you have a backed up copy just in case).

You can try deleting the cache of your browser and also your C5 cache which is in System & Settings/Clear cache as these can hang on to your old CSS.

What are you using as your file editor?
dogpackitout replied on at Permalink Reply
aha. I am not using ftp access. A friend set up a FileZilla connection for a website he put together. I can try to set that up for this website.

Also, I typically use TextPad for editing.
rebootwh replied on at Permalink Reply
So I have to use FTP to access the CSS files?