Add a subtitle or additional text field to the Page list

I copied the original Page Sheet into the ...application / blocks / ... folder. The Custom Page List works. It is possible to add a subheading or extra field with text (an easy way).
I'm editing my personal web page with the title, the gallery name (the additional text field I need) and the duration of the exhibition (eg 23.4. - 3. 5. 2018) (another additional text field I need).
Please help! (or at least point me in the right direction :) )
The example is in the attachment.

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You should be able to just add 2 text attributes in the Dashboard for the information you need, then in the view.php for that block

$value = $page->getAttribute('attribute_handle');

And echo the value wherever you want it to show up.
wrongform replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you !!! Concrete5 is very easy. I had a little problem until I changed value to attribute name :).