Automatically remove file extension for image title?

When uploading images the title is automatically filled in as the file name. So image after image I have to manually go through removing the extension from the title!


Is there anything I can do that will remove the file extension automatically? I am uploading 60 plus photos every so often and it's a pain.

Thanks in anticipation

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
This could be done using a custom database query, the file extension could be removed and any dashes or underscores could be replaced with a space, so that a file name of joe_bloggs-hat.jpg would become joe bloggs hat
This could be built into a form in a custom single page that could be excluded from the nav and permissions set to super admin only.
One click on the form submit button would update all file titles on your site in the FileVersions table of the database
vernb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion but it's going be a stretch too far fro me to do that.