AutoNav links are loading the home page not the corresponding child page

The child page links in the Autonav menu load the index/home page not to the actual child pages to which the links should take you. When in edit mode all of the links work and the child pages load.

When looking at the files in cPanel file manager I can only see the site index page, is this normal or should the cPanel reflect what is saved in Concrete5?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Site is currently active

TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really sure what you are trying to do or achieve. Does the nav work? do you have a URL?

When you FTP in your site or use a file manager you wont see other pages. These child pages are dynamic and are called from the database so they don't actually exist.

The templates set in the theme pull the content into the page from the DB and use the PHP to display it.
nemf21admin replied on at Permalink Reply
All the child pages are showing correctly in the sitemap within concrete5 and they are being picked up by AutoNav. is a child page which shows in the AutoNav menu, when clicking on the link from from the index/home, it loads the home/index page rather than the 'About' child page.

I'm unsure whether it is simply an AutoNav settings issue or whether there is something wrong with the set up/build of the site.

Thank you for clarifying my cPanel query.

Apologies for the simple explanations, my experience with building and editing sites isn't advanced.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
when clicking on your autonav links they all send back a 302 code. What that means is that something was set to redirect all your pages to your home page.

Different possibilities are:
1- the redirect is set in your .htaccess file at the root of your site. Most of the time site owners will choose to only have the site address with the www or without it but not both ( to avoid duplicate content that would penalize you with Google which would see each version as a different site) In your case that was not done. Maybe (just maybe) the code to do that is in the htaccess file but with an error that causes the redirect.
2- a page attribute accessible from your site dashboard is setting the redirect
3- some code directly in your theme's files is setting the redirect
4- a block is doing it

You say that when you are in edit mode it works normally. That would most likely discard possibility 1.
TMDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
More than happy to take a look if you pm me.