Can not edit existing block

I have an editable area to which I've added a 3-column Twitter Bootstrap layout.
Within each of those three columns I've added an HTML block, and added content.
The page published just fine, and has been working fine for several months.
But it's come time to now edit the content in some of the HTML blocks, and I can no longer get the editor to open.
When I enter edit mode for the page, and select edit block for one of these HTML blocks, the blue progress bar at the top of the page scrubs fairly quickly to about 95%, but then sits and spins.

The console reports:
GET http://<domain>/ccm/system/dialogs/block/edit?cID=<cID>&arHandle=<handle>&bID=<bID>  - 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery.js:5 
send @ jquery.js:5
ajax @ jquery.js:5 @ app.js:3
(anonymous) @ app.js:3
dispatch @ jquery.js:4
r.handle @ jquery.js:4

Following that, but possibly unrelated, the console reports:
[Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check  jquery.js:5

Anybody know how to fix?
It's pretty frustrating when a content management system won't let you manage content ;-)

Running v.8.1.0

Environment info attached

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Did the HTML you put into those blocks by any chance contain a second jquery link? That can break the editing experience.
CarlSteinhilber replied on at Permalink Reply
No, no second jQuery anywhere.
Inside the main area, I created a three column layout. Each of the HTML blocks in those columns simply contains dealer contact information:

<div class="col-sm-4">
    <div class="ccm-block-feature-item">
          <h4><i class="fa fa-"></i> John Smith</h4>
          <p>Mountain / Central Sales</p>
          <p>CO, OK, KS, W TX, WY, NM, UT</p>
          <p><a class="phone" href="tel:8885551212">888.555.1212</a></p>
          <p><a class="email" 

Nothing terribly fancy.

EDIT: Whoops. My bad. Obviously, from the block class, you can see it's a FEATURE block rather than an HTML block. The issue still remains, however... can't update the block.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have a link to the page? If there is no second copy of jquery this could be a missing quote or end div tag or something like that.