Cannot change page order in sitemap

I have watched the youtube info and tried and tried...I can't change the page order in sitemap. I am new to Concrete5. I have the little move icon placed over the area but nothing happens. There is no line. I cannot move anything. It looks so simple on the youtube video but then I try it and nothing. Thanks for your help.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It might be that you clicked the "Sitemap" icon in the toolbar, which only lets you navigate to different pages (not drag them around) -- if that's the case, you need to click "Dashboard" and from there click "Sitemap" in the sidebar.
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the info. I did do that already. I went into the sitemap through the dashboard and I cannot move anything. Since this posting, I also see I cannot move blocks either. I clickk on 'move' and it looks like I can but when I attempt to move items around, nothing moves.

So I have a problem with not being able to move the page order or the blocks.

Thank you.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
That's very strange. Sounds like there might be a javascript error -- are you including any javascript in your theme's header, or do you have any custom blocks or packages that you're running?
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi. Sorry I am not technical at all. I have tried several themes and I can't move the blocks or pages with any of them. It's almost like something is locked. As far as a javascript I am pasting what I see. My husband has a little knowledge but doesn't know Concrete5 at all. He suggested I paste this. Maybe it will help.


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jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry I don't have an answer for you -- doesn't look like anything funny going on in the code you pasted. Are you logged in as the super-user (admin)? What browser are your using?
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I am logged in as super admin and I'm using IE9.

Sorry this is such a pain. It looks so easy on the video tutorials.

Thank you.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep, definitely not working at all in IE9 -- I hadn't tested that before. This is a major bummer, and I will file a bug about it so it can be fixed in the next version. Are you able to use Firefox or Chrome or Safari to edit your website instead?

Thanks for bringing this up -- I am very surprised it hasn't been mentioned before (or maybe it has but I haven't seen it?)
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much. I thought I was going crazy. I was doing all I saw in the tutorials but couldn't get it. Sorry it's pain but I'm glad it's not me. I'm a new user of Concrete5 and really like it. When does another update come out???

Thank you again.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I am not on the core development team so this is not an official answer, but the last I've heard from them is "this summer".
1stWebDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
Try downloading and using Firefox for the time being until this is fixed in IE9.

Firefox is free and is a better browser that IE anyway.
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. I downloaded google chrome and now it's working great. I appreciate your suggestion. Have a great day.
Tarakkan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey guys lets say it works only in Firefox :)
Chrome is also a free and better browser then IE and still better then FF (for me)