cannot edit any block on page; other pages fine

Greatly appreciate suggestions about my issue. I am the sole editor for this site, and I am pseudo-technical. Please speak to me like I am an idiot;)

I am unable to edit any block on the following page of my site
When I enter edit mode the blocks are outlined with red dots, but when I hover over any block on the page it does not turn gray and does not give me a menu when I click on it. I am not able to add blocks to this page.

This problem is not affecting any other page on my site.

I observer similar issue if on a different page I add a block to my personal scrapbook and then paste that block from the scrapbook into the same page. The block I paste from the personal scrapbook is not editable. This only happens from the personal scrapbook, and only happens when I paste the block onto the same page I copied it from. Perhaps this is intended behavior.

mikefatty replied on at Permalink Reply
hi this could be at z-index problem, are u using z-index on that block in your css, if just remove et and the box will turn gray again and u can edit it:-)

dclmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks @mikefatty, this solved the same problem I have been having. Is there a way however to overcome this as on my website, the z-index is required to make some of the features work, and whilst I can remove this for editing, I cannot really have this approach for clients sites.

Hope to hear from someone soon about this...
