Cannot see the edit bar on the pages

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I do a login on my site

but I do not get an edit bar

Can someone help me with this problem

It is possible for me to log in and type /dashboard behind the login. Than I go to the dashboard en work in it. But when I go to a page via the dashboard than there is still no edit bar.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Its hard to guess as obviously any of us visiting your site are not logged in and don't see the edit bar anyway.

Despite showing at the top, the code that generates the edit bar is right at the end of a page.

Things to look for are
a) Broken html, so the page structure doesn't end properly. Things like poorly coded theme footer or templates, mistakes in html block content or in a custom template for any block.

b) JavaScript arguments. Open the developer console on the log tab and watch it while the page loads. Script errors will be reported.

Bertwezenberg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to JohntheFish

I'm an absolute beginner at Concrete. But the problem is solved.
Someone else (at the side of my client) had put an chatbox at the homepage of the site.
This box had it's own Javascript with was conflicting with the Javascript from the site.

By removing the chatbox the editor at the pages was back again.
