Can't resize image in block


If anyone has any advice for this I would greatly appreciate it. I have been trying to add images as blocks on my page but when I do, the image appears as the enlarged/ actual size of the image and does not let me resize.

I have tried adding to different blocks and adding different photos to see what might be causing it but I seemed to have narrowed it down to the fact that in the edit function, it defaults to "Force Exact Image Match", not allowing me to adjust the sizing.

Anyone know why this might happen all of a sudden?

Thank You!


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you using concrete 5.6 or 5.7 and what type of block are you trying to add the image to that those defaults are coming up and you are not able to change them? I'm guessing the Content/WYSIWYG block.
MeganKing replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete 5.6 and it's the basic image block
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you provide a link to the page with the too large image on it? I would guess there is something in your CSS that is overriding the settings that you enter into the block, but it's hard to tell without seeing it.
MeganKing replied on at Permalink Reply
Scroll all the way down to the end.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
That is very odd, it looks like the first and third images are the right size but the second one the width/heigh settings are huge. What are the block settings that you have for that?

One thing you could do is add max-width: 100% to the line #wrap img in your typography.css
MeganKing replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Hutman,

The middle image was the same size as the others at one point but we tried to change the size to see if there would be any issues with an older image on the page but it just defaulted like the others to the actual image size.
The width and height of the image are set to 200x200
