Changing background color/backgound image has no effect

Brand new C5 user here. We're using version 5.6

I'm just trying to change the background color of the Sitewide Site Name, or put a background image on the Sitewide site name. I think I know how to do it, but my changes never appear. I've attached a video screen grab so you can see what I'm doing, which must be the wrong thing.

Thanks in advance for your help!

1 Attachment

Pluto replied on at Permalink Reply
Clear your cache. From dashboard>System & settings > Optimization > Clear cache.
Then check.
Pluto replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Go to
Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Themes > Activated theme Customize button
in Customize Theme set header background and click on save. You can see the changes.
fines007 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, thanks. Well it is partial success I can set the background color of the header from that configuration section, but I can't specify a background image from there. There isn't even an option to set an image at all.
fines007 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
No change. Hmm.

I did add a new Content Block under 'Main', and was able to add a background image to that (see attached).

When I am in Design mode of the Site name block, this message is displayed at the bottom:
"Note: Styles set here are often overridden by those defined within the various block types. "

OK, but what type is the Site name block? I can't tell (C5 doesn't seem to have a 'Tell me what kind of block this is' function), but maybe my changes are just being overridden?
Pluto replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes i too noticed the problem. This is because the <div id="header">
in your site root/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt/elements/header.php in line no 27. Just replace that with <div id="">. Now you can change background color and image from edit mode design as you were doing(in your attaced video) it and see the changes.
fines007 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, removing 'header' allowed me to have an image there. Thank you!