Collection types - permission problems

I created my own template and set up the site with my admin user. I created a new admin user, and when I try to edit one of the page types (on Collection types, click "Edit" button), the new user are being redirected to loginpage. Is this a bug?

I can edit the pagetype with my user, but not with other users (even if they are member of the same group).

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
right now only the admin user can do this! it's not enough to be a member of the admin group...
dmt replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, so I guess this will be fixed in next versions of c5?

I have an area on the page that should be editable on all pages. If I change the content, it should be changed on the rest of the site. But the users should be able to edit this as well.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
actually, that IS a feature not a bug. ;)

I would never never let a client into page types. Its gotta be one of the only spots where you can really break things with no path backwards. Delete one of those pages and you're in big trouble. They look just like any other page... Frankly I know what I'm doing (obviously) but I always hold my breath and check twice while messing around in page types...

Here's the problem. The admin group is just another group. It's NAMED administrators, but its just a permission set like any other.. Meaning you very well might have a page somewhere in your site that ISN"T editable by folks in the administrators group. Why? I dunno, maybe you have TWO administrator groups.. maybe you have two languages for your site, or the marketing department and development department own their own parts of the site but can't touch each others.. who knows...

now in that case, if i go in just in the admin group and start making changes to the page type defaults, its going to ask me if i want those changes to trickle out to all pages using that type. I very well may have access to make the change on the page type, but not on the instance of the page that the page type is not trying to impact.

That's a big loop issue and a great way to bring a site to its knees and create some real complicated problems fast.. (imagine having to delete a block from thousands of pages by hand)..


the short answer is No.
Only one person should be messing around with page types and they should do it thoughtfully. we have added a more graceful message about that in the newest local version of c5, but we're not gonna change the way that works for now.. maybe one day much later..

in the meantime, to do what you're shooting for, use this approach: