default mail address

i've read info on this link and it seems completely out of date:

I don't have a file called concrete.php in my application/config folder.
My files are called:

Despite searching online and in forums I can't find an explanation.
Surely changing the default sending email address function could be added to the back end rather than faffing around with code that can so easily break the site.

Any help much appreciated.

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
That documentation is current, and the instructions do say "Please note that this file does not exist by default and you will need to create it in order to define any of these configurations." in the comments there is also a link to an Add-On that will add these settings to the dashboard.
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks hutman, sorry i should have mentioned that i did create a file called concrete.php and add the code to it and it also broke the site.

Was it meant to be in the overrides folder?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
No, it's not meant to be in the overrides folder. What was the content of your file and what was the error on your site?
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
this was the code in the file concrete.php


return array(
'email' => array(
'default' => array(
'address' => '',
'name' => 'Your Site', // this can be left out

totally bonkers, ive just created the file again and added as the attached screen grab and im not getting the site error. I tested the form but its still sending from default address.
Obviously i changed the address in the above code to the one i want to use.
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Well I'm glad it's not blowing up anymore, but since that definition is for Private message notifications, Conversations new message notifications, and New badge notifications for users it won't change the forms.

Take a look at the "Group B: Emails that allow defining the sender address individually for each message" section of that documentation page for the items you need to add to your file.
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
You are a genius!
To my amazement it worked.

Added this to concrete.php
return array(
    'email' => array(
        'form_block' => array(
            'address' => '',
        'validate_registration' => array(
            'address' => '',
            'name' => 'Site Email Validation', // this can be left out
        'forgot_password' => array(
            'address' => '',

I deliberately left the password one blank as hope it will still use default email address for this, or doesn't it matter?

Thanks so much for your help, still feel C5 should add this to the back end for other users who are less than great techies like me :-)
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Leaving that password one blank will make the address blank, not set it back to default, I would just remove that portion of the config.
deanhawthornthwaite replied on at Permalink Reply
OK I understand, thanks so much again for your help!