Edit button in toolbar - hover not working

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I am running version and somewhere along the line, the toolbar-related stuff got corrupted.

1. When I hover my mouse over the Edit button in the toolbar, I don't see the popup that contains the "Edit this page" and "Publish this page" buttons, etc.

2. The strange thing is, when I hover my mouse over the Dashboard button in the toolbar, both the Dashboard popups and Edit popups appear simultaneously.

3. The shortcuts under the dashboard popup all appear in a vertical list, instead of filling the white space horizontally.

(I've attached a screenshot of the problem in action)

Things I already tried:

1. Switching to other themes - problem still persists.

2. Placing a fresh copy of the concrete folder in ROOT/updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete

Can anyone tell me how to fix odd behavior related to the dashboard/toolbar? Are there any other files I can try to reinstall to get the dashboard back to the way it was from the fresh install?

1 Attachment

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd have assumed that this is caused by a theme but since you've already tried another one, this is probably not the case. For others reading this, check this pagehttp://www.concrete5.org/documentation/developers/pages/themes/... (Keep Theme Styles from Interfering with concrete5)

Can you check from where the wrongly disabled elements get their style? In Chrome: Right click on the element and click on "Inspect Element".
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
I right-clicked in the edit button and clicked "inspect element" and I see that all the styles are coming from ROOT/updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/css/ccm.app.css

Does the toolbar popup behavior result from CSS or should I attribute the problem to some sort of Javascript error?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think this is causes by a JavaScript error, but if there's one, I'd fix it either way.

You are working with the admin user, aren't you?
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I'm the admin of the account. How can I check for javascript errors?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
In chrome in the developer console is a red icon in the bottom right corner if there are any errors, or better, click on the "Console" tab and see if there are any messages indicating a problem.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
or can you temporarily change the admin's password and send it to me in a private message?
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
I just see a little caret symbol when I click on console, so I'm guessing there are no errors. But I checked the CSS file by comparing to that of another website I've done and they're identical. So I'm not sure where the problem is coming from?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I still think it's a css issue, I'd try to check other elements. The edit page is shown correctly, isn't it? I'd inspect an element in the hover menu which is aligned vertically instead of horizontally.
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes everything displays correctly except for the hovered overlays. I'll keep trying. Thanks.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I'm having exactly the same issue. Also in the dashboard, the layout of the dashboard popout is messed up. So it has nothing to do with the theme. Re-upped entire /ROOT/concrete directory and tried many things.
Any success on this? Maybe something with the less css?
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
Ya, I don't know about you, but when I hover over Dashboard, all the links show up in a long vertical list instead of appearing in sections, side by side. I tried a lot of things over the course of this time and nothing has fixed my problem. Please let me know if you find a solution!
asaucier replied on at Permalink Reply
I am having this same issue -- has anyone found a solution?
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I'm still having this problem on one particular site.
Now running 5.6.1, checked all css and js from the theme but this is not causing it. Also cheched with Greek Yoghurt theme( see attached).
Has anyone a idea what causes this?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried this on a fresh installation? Maybe an add-on causes this issue or maybe it's just an issue with the browser cache.

I'm running quite a few sites with 5.6.1 and don't have any problems like that. I think it would be easy to fix but only if I can reproduce this problem.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Fresh installation is the last thing I can try. It can't be cache because I've disabled any form of cache. I'll let you know, thnx!
mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tried a fresh install, clearing both browser cache and dashboard cache, and switching to the default themes....nothing has worked.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a solution on this?
asaucier replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi, there -

I tried everything and was not able to come up with a solution, so I've settled for a workaround. I created another admin account and that account did not have the problem. So, I use that account from now on.
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for your post, the new admin account works fine.
Maybe it's something about permissions.
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, this worked for me as well - thank you!


mehreenbaakza replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep this worked for me too, thanks.
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
Just wanted to say I ran into this same issue on
leefuller replied on at Permalink Reply
I replaced this new version with, while you people found a work-around. I'll wait until the March version is more stable in this area.Nice teamwork!!
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Having the same issue, C5

Here's where I'm at...

Using Dark Chocolate theme, copied Dark Chocolate theme folder to root/themes. Edited Main.css to make page width 1000 instead of 800 and changed the overflow for the sidebar to visible instead of hidden.

I have SharingBox on my home page. after widening the page through main.css I tried to add 100 padding to the left of the sharingbox. Thats when my issue started with the edit button "no popup". I reverted to the previous page version and the hover popup was working again. Next i tried to add 50 Margin left to the sharing box, and again the problem occurs except now I've rolled back to previous page versions and nothing seems to fix the problem :|

as far as the dashboard display being in a vertical position, i believed that was due to the widening in the main.css, but the edit button not popping up is driving me nuts. I'll send whoever can fix this problem a whole buncha cookies :D
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe I've just solved this problem for I began looking at the "bookmarks" in the dashboard hover popup and there was one composer link on top to the left of all the rest. I decided to start cleaning out the "bookmarks" from the popup and low and behold, as soon as i removed the "composer, write" link my edit hover is working correctly again!! Hopefully this helps...
VPenkov replied on at Permalink Reply
Confirmed, I was able to reproduce the bug.
I've been having it with a website of mine and my workaround was a jQuery piece of code to toggle its visibility on click.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
<--- Going to get myself some Oreos, LOL
asaucier replied on at Permalink Reply
Brilliant Enlil! That totally fixed it for me, too. Thank you!!
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Confirmed!! Big thank you!!
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Dumb question, but how do you remove bookmarks from that menu? Having the same issues.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
whatever it is you DONT want to be bookmarked in that menu, click on it to go to that particular page and click the star in the upper right corner to remove it from being "bookmarked"!!
DeFrae1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Was getting very frustrated with this and found this thread and your 'idiots guide' here. THANK YOU. Genius
jpcharrier replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks for this, this somehow managed to fix the edit menu not working, but I fear the problem possibly is still deeper again.

I have removed the composer bookmar (both write & drafts) however, when I do this Im left with empty bullet points (see screenshot of dashboard hover menu)..

I had a play around and removed all of the bookmarks then started re-adding them in the hopes to clear them up, however this still didnt sort the issue.

Does anyone know where these are housed in the database? Perhaps there is a corrupt table or a php/javascript error here?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I had those same hovering bullets after removing the link. Then they were gone?! I believe it was just a cache issue (??) to get rid of them ?! They sure didnt bother me as much as the popup not working! As far as the actual bug goes. This happened to me on a fresh install a few months back. I have another site that was on i believe and fully updated to that does NOT display this "composer write link hover no display" bug ;) Maybe somebody out there has more insight on this....
jpcharrier replied on at Permalink Reply
I know all of this is somehow linked back to the user that is experiencing it (in this case it happens to be the super user... DOH!)

But still very frustrating. The quick links should be there to customize the hover menu, I think this might be a slightly more serious bug.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I reported the initial bug here...

SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
Dose anyone know why this happening other then just the bookmarks are causing it ?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure. I've poked around quite a bit and it's something specifically with having the composer "write" link bookmarked in your dashboard hover menu.
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm working on tracking this down right now but am still having trouble recreating it. Does anyone happen to have this close enough to a series of steps to recreated. I've tried adding and removing a bunch of composer bookmarks but couldn't get to a broken point like in the links.

Best Wishes,
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
are you working with a fresh install or an updated install?? I did notice it happened to me on fresh installs, but not on updated ones. I'll try to recreate it again right now...
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure if this has any connection, butt I have 3 updated sites and this issues only happens on 1 of them. The only real big difference I can see is that the admin account of the one that is having the issue has a logged in record of a few thousand. The same site also has a broken CSS nav when logged in only for the main admin. If you create a new account everything is fine for the new account
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I had to a site to check this out in and it does not appear to be CSS related in the one I saw. It does look like the HTML is not being rendered correctly.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I worked out a fix to this was to remove/rename the QUICK_NAV_BOOKMARKS value in the config table, and then triggering it's recreation by starring any dashboard page. So my guess is that the config value isn't being serialised or created correctly.

See my notes on the bug report:

Like you, I don't have any idea what triggers this bug in the first place though!
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I did a little playing around today and successfully re-created this issue. I found that if a package folder is removed via ftp while a package is still installed it can leave the toolbar "broken"... put the package folder back, it's fine!