editing toolbar disappeared concrete 5 2020

By modifying the CONTACT page, after save it, I noticed that the top the editing toolbar. disappeared and I can no longer edit that page again. Can anybody help me?
Note: I tried to go back to an earlier edition of the page using the SITEMAP / Versions but it doesn't solve anything.
Current Theme: Elemental
# concrete5 Version
Core Version - 8.5.2
Version Installed - 8.5.2

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

do you see any errors in the browser's console?

You can access the console from your browser's menu, most likely under "Developer tools"

Also do you see any errors in Concrete5 logs? (accessible through the dashboard)
roverearth replied on at Permalink Reply
Using the Developer Tool (browser), I have seen that this code appears on all the pages:
<html lang="en" class="ccm-toolbar-visible ccm-panel-ready"> ,,,
But on the page I modified (Contact) by adding an HTML block, I see in the developer tool that the above code is NOT displayed on this page that I modified.
I don't know what happened? Is it possible to correct it?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You can try my Safe HTML template

In particular, see the section "Make every HTML block Safe HTML" at https://c5magic.co.uk/addons/safe-html/fixing-broken-sites...

That will not fix your original issue, but it will usually enable you to get into the edit dialog and correct the faulty html or script in it.
roverearth replied on at Permalink Reply
I installed in my project but it did not help me, the problem persists, I cannot edit 1 page because the concrete5 toolbar is not displayed on that page. The concrete5 toolbar is displayed on all other pages.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You need copy the view into the override so all html blocks use the safe template.
Also check for any other alternate html block templates that could be in use - if other templates are already assigned, that could be blocking the safe template.

If you have already done that, try setting the panic config flag.
roverearth replied on at Permalink Reply
>>>> You need copy the view into the override
Sorry man but I don't understand what file should I copy.
Actually my Page Templates in Theme: Elemental Theme
1 error example page: contact
There is something I did not realize. When I logout, the page in trouble returns to the initial state (of installation, that is, good). But when I login then the error on the page is present. In other words, there are 2 versions, one the initial one and the other in the login with the last problem.