Editor permissions

Hi, brand new here and to web design. I am trying to edit a page that was set up by my club's webmaster who was tragically killed recently. I dont seem to have the correct permissions to add new pages to our site etc. As he cannot grant the correct permissions and only he and I were editors on the page, how do i get the correct permissions to manage the page completely?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have access to the database using phpMyAdmin or something like that?
JackiePolchet replied on at Permalink Reply
No i dont have access to it :-(
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have access to the FTP you should be able to change these lines in /concrete/bootstrap/configure.php (lines 279 and 280 in

define('USER_SUPER', 'admin');
define('USER_SUPER_ID', 1);

Change 'admin' to your username and 1 to your user_id. Your username can be found in Dashboard -> Members under the Username column. Your user_id can be found by clicking on your Username and looking at the URL it should look something like this /dashboard/users/search/view/3 and that last number (3 in this case) is your user_id.

Once you have changed those two things via FTP you should be able to login and be the super user. At that point you can either leave those settings as they are and carry on, or you can reset the 'admin' account to one of your email addresses and a new password and change those lines back to what they were via FTP.

If you leave those lines changed in that file, when (if) you upgrade the site to a newer version you will have to redo the changes.