Help - How to Edit / Alter Background Image?

I purchased a theme - but cannot seem to change the background image (Clearview) anyone help pe?

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Click edit on the page you want to change the background image on. Click properties, click custom attributes, scrolldown to background image which will be on the left side, click it to add it to right side which is the active attributes side. Now add the pic you want for that page and save. This can also be done through the sitemap by clicking the page - properties -custom attributes - .
abimage replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you for you helping. will it be same method when i use otherimage editor c#? check
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
What if there is no attribute for background image to select?
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
Well then you will have to modify the CSS file of your theme.
INTcommunications replied on at Permalink Reply
Is it the background for the whole thing or the header or footer?

If it's the whole thing you need to open the main.css or whatever css came with your theme - it should be in the themes/clearview/ folder ( same folder as default.php )
/* ----------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------- */ 
body {
   /* customize_background */ background-color:#1F1F1F; /* customize_background */

above the commented out line - just after the body {
background-image: url(bgs/yourBackgroundImage.png);
background-position: center top;

Of course you will have to point to an image that you have uploaded with FTP.
harveyappleton replied on at Permalink Reply
Developed a simple addon to do this for you across whole site, and free! :) -
simon8or replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a way to remove the background image to a specific page and have no image? I want to add youtube motion background instead.