How do i change the colour of the text ?

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Say you have a Title and you just want to change its color. There doesnt seem to be way to do it ?

v 5.7.2

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi marcomeswara,

If the text was created with the Content block, there is a font color dropdown in the toolbar to change colors.

If you are using the default Elemental theme, you can select the color you want using the Design customizations.
Settings > Design > Customize > Site Title

I attached screenshots for where to make the changes.
meswaramarco replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanx. Will try. Noob here. Thanx again.
meswaramarco replied on at Permalink Reply
This worked -> If the text was created with the Content block, there is a font color dropdown in the toolbar to change colors.

ifaroma replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

I hope you are well and happy new year, i was wondering if you could help me please i want to change the font colour but i dont have the options you described, this is what my system shows(attached), have you any ideas of how to resolve please.

Preferably id only like part of the content block/wording in red, i tried putting it as a block on its own then went into design and changed the text colour but it didnt work.

Your help would be much appreciated

Kind regards
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
You could use some inline css to change the font color.
Click the 'Source' button and find the tags that wrap your text (probably <p> tags) and change the tag like this <p style="color: #ff0000">
Janks replied on at Permalink Reply
No, in the latest 8.4.4. version there is no color dropdown for the text created in the standard Content block.

What is the reason why the color dropdown is removed, resulting in a complete useless editor?
tallacman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
dashboard > system > rich text editor . activate the text color option toward the top of the list
Janks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! Found it!

In the default settings for the Rich Text Editor, the Color Button is not selected. The Color Dialog is selected however.

Is this a bug? There is no meaning in activating the Color Dialog when the Color Button is not activated.

I have never heard about any editor in the world with no default possibilities to set color other than black...
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
bug === feature
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
@Janks, it is actually on purpose. If you notice, everything that would result in inline styling was disabled by default. The reason is Concrete5 is trying to push towards using the existing styling from the theme. If your theme didn't plan for a specific color it probably shouldn't be used and it would be better to not use it inline. Theme styling is easy to change. Inline styling is hard to change. If you change the theme in the future those inline colors will remain untouched and if they don't match anymore you'll have to change them manually one by one.