How do I change the header?

How do I change the title [text] and/or image [whether a photo or picture] of the tile page [the top right corner] of my websites? When I first started, I think something asked me to type in the title, but know I can't figure out how to change it. When I'm in edit mode, and click on the title, it just takes me to the home page.

drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
Depends on the theme you are using, but this is probably the main name of your site. You should be able to change it here in the dashboard -> System & Settings -> Site name


Let me know if that isn't what you mean.
imperialcatrina replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm using Slate.
The .../site name reads:
But the website reads: "The Reams Law Firm."
Doesn't seem like they are the same... If I change the "http://..." to "Reams PC" will it change the header?
I may want to change the "The Reams Law Firm" to something like "Reams PC" or maybe make a graphic on Photoshop then plug it in that location...
Should I go to a different place?
(I am very much a beginner and know nothing about designing webpages etc.)
drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
It should be a setting in the dashboard somewhere - I can take a look in the dashboard if you're happy to PM me access details?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
try navigating to: Dashboard > System & Settings > Site Name
imperialcatrina replied on at Permalink Reply
On the Slate theme, making change to the "Site Name" does not change the title of the site in the upper left hand corner. I'm also wondering if I can just Photoshop a header pic and plug it in instead of the using the slate title.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not able to do any poking around in the theme as I dont have a copy of it. If you'd like to give me access to the site I could poke around and figure out what you need to do!! PM me if interested...
Adreco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I've replaced site name with Logo's on several sites using the Slate Theme.
Dashboard > Stacks & Blocks > Stacks > Site Name and add a block for either new text or a logo there (remember to "approve changes" after saving)
Easy Peesy :)

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |

PS I did a demonstration blog video a couple of months ago you may find helpful

PPS CLEAR CACHE after logo/name change if it is not visible :)
imperialcatrina replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! Thanks!