how to turn off advanced Permissions in dashboard?

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I turn on advanced permissions from dashboard.
When i am going to turn off it, there is no options given to turn off advanced permission.

There is any way to turn off advanced permissions?
any suggestions?

Thanks in advance...

SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no way to turn-off through database or through code?
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
I think it completely breaks the site if you try ...
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
All you can do is revert to a backup from before they were turned on.
cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks @John and @SheldonB,
We can turn-off advanced permissions. I found one way to turn-off it.
I wrote one how-to for this... That is waiting to approve...
MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi cjramki,

Thanks for taking the time to write that how-to article. Unfortunately I cannot approve it because it describes an approach that the Core Team isn't comfortable recommending to concrete5 users.

While changing the config value will indeed tell the site to use the "Simple" permissions model, this doesn't guarantee that everything will work exactly as before. And while it may seem to work on one site, there's no way of guaranteeing that it will work on all sites, or even most sites. It is simply not in line with best practices. Let me try to elaborate:

Advanced permissions adds data to your database, and simply resetting a configuration value unfortunately doesn't clean up all that other stuff. Doing so manually would require a lot of work, which is why we warn that enabling Advanced Permissions cannot be un-done.

The best approach, if you're unsure about enabling Advanced Permissions, is to make a backup of your site's database before pressing the button (as JohntheFish mentioned) and restore it later, if needed. That's really the only way to safely avoid the possibility of frustrating and obscure edge cases. Backing up a database only takes a few seconds, but doing so can save many hours of work.

Of course if you're having fun in a development environment, you're welcome to experiment. But if your site is live and you want to ensure a healthy working relationship with your client, please know that Advanced Permissions was not intended to be turned "off" after being activated. If you do so, you're in uncharted territory!

Hope that helps explain where we're coming from. Best of luck to you and thanks again for contributing a how-to article!

concrete5 Team
cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your riposte @matt,
Unfortunately I turned on advanced permissions. So only I searched to set this option to previous state. Finally i found the way. So only I thought to write a how-to.

Thanks & Regards,
CJ Ramki